Okay so that's what's in my imagination when you mention 'garage band'. Like some messy space where people get together to make music.

But nah, that's not the case of GarageBand in Mac computers. It's clean and organised, even if it's a space for exploring creativity in music. This week we got in touch with this interesting software application. Throughout the lesson, we were taught how to insert music tracks into the making of our song, record real-life sound and voices, alter the volume and pitch of whatever song we were doing, and even play with the piano (literally) on the keyboard. And in times like these I'm kinda glad that I actually do know what I'm playing on the both keyboards!

All was fun with the clicking and mixing and playing. Then. We had to compose our own song of 30 seconds. I can't compose my own song, even if it's 30 seconds; really honestly, this mixing music thing is so new to me that I couldn't grasp how to do it. So I didn't know what 'thing' was it, that I came up with. But the others did pretty amazing, some of my classmates had pretty good mixes that sounded legit, at least. Which proves that, in the end, maybe you don't quite need instruments to make music.

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